Saturday, October 24, 2009

How to Identify the sender of spam email and report them to put a stop to spam emails?

How can i trace out the email id so that i can reply him.

or atleast i need to trace out the email server so that i can mail to postmaster@emailserver. Pls find following info.

i have remove my id bcoz of security reasons. if i get a good reply i am ready for a clear point..

Received: (qmail 8169 invoked by uid 110); 10 Feb 2006 19:44:19 +0530

Delivered-To: %26lt;MYID%26gt;

Received: (qmail 8157 invoked from network); 10 Feb 2006 19:44:19 +0530

Received: from (HELO -1215823448) (

by %26lt;My IP%26gt; with SMTP; 10 Feb 2006 19:44:18 +0530

Received: from (-1215449640 [-1217192864])

by (Qmailv1) with ESMTP id 903245BB53

for %26lt;MY IP%26gt;; Fri, 10 Feb 2006 08:07:28 -0600

Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 08:07:28 -0600

From: Doctor %26lt;;

X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.00.4) Personal

X-Priority: 3

Message-ID: %26lt;;

To: %26lt;MY email ID%26gt;

Subject: The Ultimate Online Pharm

How to Identify the sender of spam email and report them to put a stop to spam emails?
though is not illegal u can still use near illegal ways to counter it....instead of paying people to email everyone they just make a computer do it for thing to do is fight fire with fire, since its always online it gets emails weather or not it has it on or not but u might have to go around it blocking all mail... so wrte up a spammer or get one like n e where on the internet and spam the computer right back eventualy it will freeze and since no one know what there doing it they will just leave the computer there and no more spam from him... if not u can easily make ur own smtp using program and make ur own email service its really not that hard...i have one... and no one can spam u because to them u dont exist....or u can just use yahoo mail since it has the best spam blocker on the net.....i hate google
Reply:If you can figure it out, you'll be a millionaire.
Reply:Most services allows you to report the spam

Or you can create custom made spam filters

For getting info about spam and avoiding the use this service

here you can use a disposible e-mail id while you are attempting for signing up for a service

just enter

for checking that mail goto the site then enter xyz

you will have acess to your mails

Like pops said it is nearly impossible to do so

Reply:Check out blue frog. It reports spam automatically.

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